
Saturday, October 12, 2013


Hey, zot'z your favorite candy? Zotz are definitely in my top ten favorite, maybe even top five. They're of the sour-then-sweet strain, but not as aggressive as Warheads and have more textures going on than Sour Patch Kids. The seven different flavors (watermelon, grape, orange, apple, cherry, lemon and blue raspberry) are packed into a hollowed out hard candy filled with lots of fizzy powder YUM! Upon investigation of the candy itself I have come to the conclusion that there is a tiny hole on the side that lets out the fizziness a little bit at a time before you break through the shell. These people are geniuses!

Speaking of which, you can see how they're made here. Pretty cool, but something's up with that narrator. Do you think they are hiring at the Zotz factory? I have always wanted to work in a factory ever since my family used to visit Tillamook Cheese Factory after trips to the beach. 

Have you ever tried Zotz? What's your favorite flavor? They are pretty widely available at candy shops, so next time you get the chance be sure to grab a few!

This candy makes me think of:

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